Finding Meaning in Today

Image by Rafei3 creative commons via Flickr

Image by Rafei3 creative commons via Flickr

Life is short, no matter how long it lasts.

I was reminded of this yet again with the passing of my Grandfather yesterday. Events like these have a way of shaking us up, and causing us to stop and examine our own lives.

For me, several questions came to mind:

What is my legacy? How much have I thought about how others will remember me when I am gone?

I am a bit of a people pleaser, so I also thought “At my end, whose approval is really going to matter?”

I am also valuing the importance of numbering my days. In the book 20,000 Days and Counting by Robert D. Smith provides great insight to making life matter, right now.

I encourage you to check it out for ways to be more intentional about creating a life of value. I also recommend Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl as thought provoking read of immense value.

Today is not just another Wednesday, not just another hump day, but it is a one time event that I will never have again.

Today is day 11,975 of my existence – I don’t know how many more I have left, but I am determined to give value to each day. I hope you will do the same.