Bio: Recruiter, author and blogger Drew Tewell helps people navigate the world of work. He has helped hundreds of individuals in all walks of life with work and professional development. Drew is the author of the book, The Dream Job Program. You can read his blog and follow him on Twitter.
The Power of Words
“I always knew there was something special about you.”I was 21 years old and had just started working in a new profession. I was visiting my Grandparents out of state. I don’t remember what we were talking about, but I’ll never forget those words that my Grandpa spoke to me that day.
I’m now 35 years old, and when I need to, I can still draw strength and encouragement from those words. My Grandpa passed away 10 years ago. But those words he spoke to me live on.
Words are powerful. With them people can build us up, or tear us down. And with them we also can encourage others or say things that are hurtful.
How my life changing experience can change your life:
Take a few minutes today to remember something nice or encouraging that someone has said to you. Or maybe you have a card or other note that someone wrote to encourage you. Take a little time to read it again today.
John Maxwell has what he calls, “The Thirty Second Rule.” Whenever you begin an interaction with anyone throughout your day, within the first thirty seconds, say something positive about them. This could be a compliment about what their wearing, praise for the work that they recently did, or whatever other nice thing you want to say about them. Try to practice The Thirty Second Rule this week.
Think about a relationship in your life that you could speak more positively in. For the next month, do your best to only say things that build that person up. Then make it a habit to do the same for another person, each month.
Thanks, Sally! It’s amazing how certain things continue to influence us years after they happen.
I like the 30-second rule. Definitely going to try that. THAT would make most anyone memorable 😀
You are so right about that, Jared.
Most everyone likes a person who says nice things about them. Thanks, Jared!
Resonant Leadership has really been a great resource for me, thanks Sally!
Love the “Life Changers” concept…and glad to see Drew here! When it comes down to it, we have the option of building someone up or tearing him/her down with each interaction. You never know when taking the time to build someone up will make a HUGE difference.
I really appreciate Drew sharing this story here as well!
Tom, you make a great point – it’s easy to think about “small” interactions as being unimportant, but nothing is really neutral, is it?
Every interaction will build or weaken a realtionship – a deposit or a withdrawl. Thanks for your thoughts!
Thanks, Tom! We really don’t know the difference our words will make. The encouragement we give to someone could help them with a current problem, but it also could still influence them decades from now. You never know.
Love the 30 second rule, too!
Thanks, Skip! It’s a good one.
Love the thirty second rule, will try this one out for sure!
Thanks, Lisa! Give it a try.
I gave this a whirl last week, and I think I caught a few people off guard with it