What I Am Reading Now – September Edition
Here are a few books I have been reading this month:

Photo By Jon D Harrison, using Pressgram
Before we launch into the post, I encourage you to check out Pressgram -I’d say it is the best way to filter & publish your photos to a WordPress-powered site (funny, the official website says the exact same thing…)
September’s Reading List
Things have gotten busy around here! I don’t know about you, but I have found it more difficult this month to make time for reading (and about 10,000 other things too, for that matter.) Nonetheless, I still managed to tear through a couple great books, re-read an old favorite, and listen to a book I have previously read (and found life changing).
The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing by Jeff Goins
A thought provoking read, Jeff has really inspired me at a time when I really needed to hear the message of “slow down.” I wrote a five part series inspired by Jeff’s associated “Slow Down Challenge.”
The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
A classic that I just re-read this past month. Full of great wisdom, you can enjoy this book in a single sitting, but you will want to come back to it’s concepts time and time again.
Your Coach (in a Book): Mastering the Trickiest Leadership, Business, and Career Challenges You Will Ever Face by Robert Hargrove & Michael Renaud
Business. Leadership. Career. All areas that I am interested in, and this resource is excellent – I still need to spend more time digging in, but I love that I can hop through the book based on the challenges addressed, rather than read from start to finish.
Morning Sunshine!: How to Radiate Confidence and Feel It Too by Robin Meade
After reading a fair amount of books from “Leadership Experts” – who are often writing about their solutions and amazing ideas, it is refreshing to read a more conversational book on the topic of Confidence. This book is very accessible and filled with stories and insights about how we can build appropriate confidence in everyday situations.
Getting Things Done: The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen
I love David Allen’s approach to personal productivity – I read the book just over a year ago, and I am amazed at how well everything works when I apply it, and how much things “fall behind” when I stray from the principles. I cannot recommend this work enough. This past month I listened to the CD audio book in my car as a bit of a “tune up.” David Allen reads through his entire book, and even includes a few diagrams from the book in PDF form on the last CD in the set. His speaking style is very well suited to the topic, but the nature of the program almost demands having a hard copy to follow along. To get the most out of the Getting Things Done method, I recommend pickup up both the book and the CD.
I also want to add a eBook recommendation
The Leadership Mandate by Dan Black
Today is the release date of this work, and there are some really excellent bonuses available if you act now! A great start point for those entering into a leadership role, Dan provides some very solid advice and a great mindset. This would also make a great gift. At the introductory price of $2.99, it really is a no-brainer to pick this up.
You can find Dan’s website at http://danblackonleadership.info/
So what are you reading?
The In-Between is a fantastic book Jon. Highly recommended.
Currently, I’m reading The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and Secrets of Dynamic Communications by Ken Davis.
Thank, Joe – I need to add Ken Davis’ book to my list!
You’ll enjoy it. The great thing about it is that it will help in other areas than speaking.
I listened to one of Ray Edwards Podcast today and he mentioned Ken’s new book. How are you liking it?
I’m going to read Jeff’s new book very soon! I’ve head so many good things about it. Thank you for mentioning my book:) Your great!
I really have enjoyed reading your thoughts on leadership, you hit the nail on the head with your writings!
Thank you, Jon:) I’m glad you enjoyed the book:)
Thanks for the link and the insight Jonathan. HUGE D. Allen fan too. May I recommend one to your list ? “The Gifts of Imperfection”, Brene Brown. Why? I grow businesses for leaders that must leverage sales/business development/ crm/ and marketing to ensure enduring and profitable relationships. The goal, always elevate the customer experience. In this role I recommend Brene’s work because all of us need help as we focus on Courage, Compassion and Connection, her themes. Enjoy and I like your blog! Steve
Steve – thank you for the recommendation – customer experience has absolutely been on my radar lately, so I welcome your input! Thank for you for your kind words, as well.